"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."
— Proverbs 22:6
Our nursery and children’s ministry exists to serve parents and children. We serve parents by providing excellent childcare and Biblical instruction during corporate worship so that parents can devote their entire attention to worship. We serve children by providing a safe and enjoyable environment where Christ and His Word are exalted. Please let us know how we may better serve you and your child during his or her stay.

For crawlers and toddlers able to sit up on their own. Age 0-3.
Parents can drop kids off at the Nursery starting at 9:45am.
Parents can drop kids off at the Nursery starting at 9:45am.

Early Childhood (EC)
For preschoolers up to and including kindergarten (potty trained). Age 3-5.
Parents can drop kids off to Early Childhood starting at 9:45am.
Parents can drop kids off to Early Childhood starting at 9:45am.

Early Elementary (EE)
For 1st grade up to and including 3rd grade. Age 6-9.
Early Elementary gets dismissed from corporate worship before the preaching begins and meets in the hallway leading towards the sanctuary.
Early Elementary gets dismissed from corporate worship before the preaching begins and meets in the hallway leading towards the sanctuary.
Please review our Nursery and Children policy prior to your visit so that you and your little one(s) have the best experience!