Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The mission of the church given by our Lord is to make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19-20). We seek to be faithful to His call both locally and around the world through our partnership with the following overseas missionaries.
Active Missionaries

Kris and nina brackett
Kris is a graduate of The Master's Seminary (M.Div. 1996, Th.M. 1998) and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min., 2018). He and Nina moved to Croatia as newlyweds in 1998. Kris has been serving as an elder/co-pastor in Emanuel Baptist Church and as the Assistant Dean of the Theological Biblical Academy (part of TMAI). In 2023 Kris and Nina transitioned their home base to Georgia but continue to serve in pastoral training in Europe. They have three daughters. Two are married; one is still at home.
Ministry Goals:
Ministry Goals:
- To continue training and developing church leaders in Croatia both through the local church and at TBA.
- To assist in the training of pastors and future national professors in TMAI training centers throughout Europe.
- To serve as a representative of the European region in global academic endeavors as TMAI continues to grow.
- Kris teaches each semester in the Theological Biblical Academy and helps with administration during the transition to more national leadership.
- He also continues to disciple men in the local church in Krapina remotely and occasionally in person.
- He serves as the director of the TMAI Europe M.Div. program and as an academic advisor to new and existing TMAI training centers.
- He and Nina are serving in the local church in Georgia.

David and Tiegra
The Shumaker family is currently serving the Lord in SE Asia. They have five children and the newest one was born there in the country. David and Tiegra strive to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. They have been in SE Asia now for one year learning the main language spoken in the country. Before leaving for SE Asia, the Shumakers spent a year in Mexico at a training school so that they could be better equipped for the task ahead.
Once they have mastered the language of the country, the goal is to move to a tribal area where Christ has not been named and is not being praised. Once there they will need to build a house and learn a second language in order to proclaim the Gospel to the tribal people. Though the task is difficult they are seeking all strength from the Lord so He may rightly receive all the glory. May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering.
Once they have mastered the language of the country, the goal is to move to a tribal area where Christ has not been named and is not being praised. Once there they will need to build a house and learn a second language in order to proclaim the Gospel to the tribal people. Though the task is difficult they are seeking all strength from the Lord so He may rightly receive all the glory. May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering.

Brian Opre
Brian Opre is a graduate of The Master's Seminary (MDiv '09; ThM '13). In July 2013 he became a missionary with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelization (ABWE). He was ordained to the ministry by Grace Baptist Church, Wilmington, CA with help from the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA) in November 2015. If you're interested in learning about his ministry, contact him at bopre@abwe.cc.
Current Ministry:
Brian is serving in Italy, where he is involved with church planting and leadership training. Currently, there is a church plant of about 25 people in Caselle, a suburb of Turin. Brian is involved in helping train the men for leadership.
Current Ministry:
Brian is serving in Italy, where he is involved with church planting and leadership training. Currently, there is a church plant of about 25 people in Caselle, a suburb of Turin. Brian is involved in helping train the men for leadership.

J And R
J & R and their four children are part of the ministry team at The Expositor’s Academy (TEA) in Manila, Philippines. TEA is a biblical training center committed to serving the church by providing theological training for pastors and church leaders. TEA is a member of The Master's Academy International, an association of like-minded training centers committed to "[training] gifted and qualified indigenous church leaders, giving them the tools they need to plant and pastor Bible-centered, Christ-exalting churches."
Current Ministry:
As a member of TEA, J’s ministry includes teaching classes, developing curriculum, and helping to expand the ministry throughout the region. The whole family is grateful for the chance to serve in a local Filipino church.
“For here we have no lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.”
Hebrews 13:14
Current Ministry:
As a member of TEA, J’s ministry includes teaching classes, developing curriculum, and helping to expand the ministry throughout the region. The whole family is grateful for the chance to serve in a local Filipino church.
“For here we have no lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.”
Hebrews 13:14